Saturday, October 23, 2010

Memorizing the holy Quran

Memorizing Quran simply means learning it by heart. At the time of Prophet (peace be upon him), writing was an uncommon style of storing matters; thus, memorization and oral transmission were the most effective modes of preserving information.This course is designed for those who want to memorize the holy Quran online . Your class will be assigned to a tutor who will be Hafiz-Ul-Quran and will guide you step by step giving you specific lessons every day as a home work . The way would be just like physical classes in Madrassas / Islamic centers . You will memorize the holy Quran at your own pace .

Also included:
  • Method to make ablution and TAYAMUM.
  • Method to offering prayer(Salat)
  • Memorizing of Some Duas.(Proved in Quran and Hadith)

Golden rules for Memorizing the holy Quran .
  • Be Sincere.
  • Correct Pronunciation and Recitation.
  • Apportion the Daily Number of Verses to Memorize.
  • Do Not Move to the Next Portion Till You Master the Present One.
  • Stick to One Specific Copy of the Glorious Qur’an.
  • Understand What You Are Memorizing.
  • Do Not Move from One Surah to Another Till You Connect Its Beginning to Its End.
  • Recite Frequently before Others.
  • Follow Up Frequently.
  • Pay Attention to Similarities.
  • Seize the Opportunity of the Golden Years to Memorize.
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